Keep tabs on consumer confidence.
The Numerator Canadian Consumer Sentiment Tracker provides a monthly view of consumer confidence, spending & saving considerations, and future financial outlook. The tracker is powered by a continuous survey of our consumer panel capturing thousands of responses each month.
Latest Update: 1/7/25
Consumer Confidence Score
December Consumer Confidence Score: 55.1 (+2 points vs. last month)
Canadian consumer confidence increased in December compared to last month. Canadian consumers reported higher sentiment around the job market (+1.6), their ability to make ends meet (+2.4), and increased comfort with discretionary spending (+2).
Spending & Saving Considerations
Half of Canadian consumers saved their spare cash in December and over a third used it to pay down debts. The next most popular options were vacation/ travel, home repairs/ improvement, or investing. Consumers continue looking for ways to save, as well—they’re shopping on sale, using coupons/discount codes when possible, and cooking at home.
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